Web Portal 2001



Name:  Deb Sternhagen


Date:  June 14, 2001


URL:  http://www.multiplication.com/


Web Site Title:  www.Multiplication.com


Web Site Author:  Krimsten Publishing


Appropriate Grade(s):  Grades 3-6


Content Area(s):  Math


South Dakota Standard(s) Met: 




1.    explain the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication.

2.        identify special properties of 0 and 1 with respect to arithmetic operations

3.        explain the relationship between multiplication and division to compute and check results. (example: 3 x 7 = 21, so 21 / 7 = _)

4.        determine various multiplication and division sentences for a given number.

        5.   recall multiplication and division facts through the nines.


Primary Use:  Teacher Resource & Student Resource


Educational Value:  This site has printable multiplication worksheets for all levels.  There are places for parents, students, and teachers.  The site has lots of strategies to learn the multiplication facts by music, rhyming, memory and pictures.


Comments:  This site is very specific to learning the multiplication facts.  There are a variety of ways to drill the students to learn the multiplication facts.  Since learning the facts is a MAJOR part of the third grade math curriculum this is a site I used to drill the students.  Worksheets can be duplicated to use in the classroom. Again it is very math specific.