Web Portal 2001



Name:  Deb Sternhagen


Date:  June 14, 2001


URL:   http://www.coolmath4kids.com/


Web Site Title:  Cool Math 4 Kids


Web Site Author:  Cool Math 4 Kids Inc.


Appropriate Grade(s):   Ages 3-100


Content Area(s):  Math & Science


South Dakota Standard(s) Met:




  1. solve problems involving numeric equations or inequalities.
  2. explain the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication.
  3. recognize and use the commutative and associative properties of multiplication. (example: if 6 x 7 = 42, then what is 7 x 6?)
  4. use appropriate terms in mathematical explanations. (example: multiple, factor, product)
  5. identify special properties of 0 and 1 with respect to arithmetic operations.
  6. represent given problem situations using diagrams, models, and symbolic expressions.
  7. select appropriate operational and relational symbols to make expressions true. (example: 4 _ 3 = 12)
  8. use concrete materials to model and solve equations.
  9. explain the relationship between multiplication and division to compute and check results. (example: 3 x 7 = 21, so 21 / 7 = _)
  10. determine various multiplication and division sentences for a given number.

    11.  investigate and describe the concept of variable (unknown quantity). (example: 3 + z = 5)



  1. add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using various computational methods.
  2. recall multiplication and division facts through the nines.
  3. solve problems using addition, subtraction, and multiplication.


Primary Use:  Teacher Resource; Student Resource; Parent Resource


Educational Value:  This site would be excellent for kids of all ages to increase their math skills.  Students can do all types of math computation from adding to algebra.  This site covers a variety of the South Dakota Math Standards.  Parents and teachers will love this site for the fun graphics and displays.


Comments:  I like this sight because the graphics are so lively.  They catch your attention.  It’s a great site for students to go to brush up on their math skills.  It would be a good resource for any teacher who teaches math.  This site has a variety of ways to drill the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division fact. There is also many of the South Dakota Math Standards involved with the various activities.